Sunday, December 23, 2007

Friday December 21

I think the weather is finally cooperating, it was another beautiful day today, even with the short, light rain that came through at about 4:00. Since I had such a rough day yesterday (ha ha), I decided that a leisurely morning by the pool and an afternoon at the beach would be perfect. I tried snorkeling in Lower Bay but the current was too much for a little weakling like me with no fins so I just settled for hanging out in the water enjoying the scenery. I brought my new digital waterproof camera with me in the water to take some pics and when I got back to the beach it was totally on the fritz. Waterproof schmaterproof. Another $300 camera down the drain. My last one got ruined in Bonaire in August because of water, but that one wasn’t actually supposed to get wet. You know what this means now? No pictures. I'll have to refer you to websites. Below are the 2 last pictures I took before the sad event.

This is where I am staying now - -the first big picture is the view that I am looking at right now from the pool. As suspected, the picture does not do it justice.

Sorry for the digression. Back to the story. When I finally felt like I was going to pass out from lack of nutrition I headed across the road to Can’t Remember the Name for a late lunch and learned another strange food lesson. I ordered a turkey baguette (you all know how much I LOVE turkey sandwiches) and I think that here, turkey means O-S-C-A-R M-E-Y-E-R. It was a slab of bologna, I swear. Yuk. I swear I saw a turkey running around this island the other day, surely they exist here. Then it started to rain so I headed home. Well, I tried to head home. The moke wouldn’t turn over. Great, huh? Had that happened at home I would panic but here I just laughed. I asked the guys from CRTN to help me out and I caused quite the chain of events while we tried to get a hold of Raleigh and they searched for their car starter. This must happen often if they keep a car starter at the bar. Turns out there was just a loose battery connection and I was all set to go. I told the guy who helped me to keep an eye out for Jump In Taxi in case he came down to help and he said “Oh don’t worry! Raleigh is my good friend, I will tell him not to come” and got on the phone to call Raleigh’s brother to get the phone tree going. I continue to be amazed at how small of an island this is!

After coming home to clean up and catch some TV, I drove to my usual spot to grab some dinner and track down my friends from San Fran. As I was driving in, I saw them walking down the street with another woman who didn’t seem like someone they would be traveling with, turns out they had just met her on the street. Her name was Sondra and she just arrived a few hours earlier from Connecticut to go on a one- week charter through her timeshare trade. John and Paula were exhausted from a rough week of sailing so they went back to their room to rest and my new friend Sondra said she would join me for drinks and dinner. I wasn’t sure about her at first, she was quite bold and I thought she might play for the other team. When she touched my arm and said “you’ve got a great tan girlfriend!” I got really nervous but shortly after that she mentioned a man back home. Whew.

We were at the bar at the Frangi and saw the usual suspects. There are a lot of single retired men here and they are pretty f-ing funny (I’m trying to keep it clean). Any Anna Nicole Smith types out there might want to consider coming down here for a look-see. Noel and another nice gentleman entertained Sondra and I for a bit and introduced us to Sir James Mitchell, the owner of the Frangi and the former Prime Minister. The Frangi has been in his family for over 100 years, its quite the institution. When I told him I was from Chicago, he told me about the wedding he attended there recently of a local girl to one of the producers of Wicked. He told me their great love story and said that they want to make the love story into a musical. So 10 years from now when its out you can say you heard it here first. We then talked about the plans for the great fireworks display on New Year’s (called Old Year’s here) at midnight. Apparently Noel is in charge and is looking for volunteers to go out on the barge with him and light all the fireworks. I was tempted to volunteer all my guests but thought that may not go over very well. Although it would make for a good story.

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