Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday January 4

OK sorry that the days got a little messed up there, wrong order, but right descriptions of the days. Blog posting issue. Anyhow, we took Jan. 1 off as a recovery/beach day (no post) and I really, really wish we could have just skipped January 4th entirely. After a day like yesterday, a recovery day is inevitable, but we all kind of felt like we had gotten our butts kicked (at least I did), not to mention that I had to deal with the fact that I've almost lost half of my big toe. With the lack of medical assistance / first aid supplies on this island, I must admit I am a little scared of what might happen to it, especially since I have heard that living without a big toe is very difficult.

I can't believe that the time has already come for Joe, Brian and Jill to leave, they had to catch the 6:30 a.m. ferry to start making their trek back to the good old U.S. of A. I hopped in the cab with Jill at 6 a.m. so I could go pick up the TOT that was left down by our departure location from yesterday's festivities. I am pleased to say that the kindness of the Bequians (is that the right word??) once again was evident, as all of the items that I seemed to have been missing as a result of Thursday's activities were kindly placed on top of the spare tire of the TOT. Not sure who placed them there, but thank you :) You see, once people get to know you here, they know what car you are driving. Would make it hard to sneak around here to the extent that you had a reason to sneak around. I can't imagine one but just thought I would point that out.

Although I was scheduled for another dive at 9 a.m., I elected not to risk having to be airlifted off the island to the nearest hyperbaric chamber and decided get some much-needed rest instead. Suzanne and I then determined that the best course of treatment for our current state was detoxifying massages down at Jack's on Princess Margaret beach. That was pretty much the activity of the day, and the rest was spent drinking lots of H2O. As much as we had previously talked up a big Friday night farewell dinner at the Devil's Table followed by drinks at the Frangi, we couldn't muster up the energy and insted enjoyed leftovers from Mac's pizza (which was our lunch), some macaroni and cheese and reruns of Law and Order. Kind of like my usual Friday nights in Chicago. I am getting very sad to leave, and have the feeling that to the extent last night was my last appearance, I may have left a lasting impression ...... Like I mentioned earlier, I always like to go out on a good note...............................

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